kaggle 필사 커리큘럼 -(진행중)
2021. 5. 10. 14:09ㆍ레퍼런스/Kaggle
[이유한님] 캐글 코리아 캐글 스터디 커널 커리큘럼 (tistory.com)
[이유한님] 캐글 코리아 캐글 스터디 커널 커리큘럼
유한님이 이전에 공유해주신 캐글 커널 커리큘럼 정리본입니다. 다들 Keep Going 합시다!! 커리큘럼 참여 방법 필사적으로 필사하세요 커널의 A 부터 Z 까지 다 똑같이 따라 적기! 똑같이 3번적고 다
Binary classification : Tabular data
1st level. Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
- 타이타닉 튜토리얼 1 - Exploratory data analysis, visualization, machine learning - 21.05.10
- EDA To Prediction(DieTanic) - 21.06.13
- Titanic Top 4% with ensemble modeling
- Introduction to Ensembling/Stacking in Python
2nd level. Porto Seguro’s Safe Driver Prediction
- Data Preparation & Exploration
- Interactive Porto Insights - A Plot.ly Tutorial
- XGBoost CV (LB .284)
- Porto Seguro Exploratory Analysis and Prediction
3rd level. Home Credit Default Risk
- Introduction: Home Credit Default Risk Competition
- Introduction to Manual Feature Engineering
- Stacking Test-Sklearn, XGBoost, CatBoost, LightGBM
- LightGBM 7th place solution
Multi-class classification : Tabular data
1st level. Costa Rican Household Poverty Level Prediction
Binary classification : Image classification
1st level. Statoil/C-CORE Iceberg Classifier Challenge
- Keras Model for Beginners (0.210 on LB)+EDA+R&D
- Transfer Learning with VGG-16 CNN+AUG LB 0.1712
- Submarineering.EVEN BETTER PUBLIC SCORE until now.
- Keras+TF LB 0.18
Multi-class classification : Image classification
1st level. TensorFlow Speech Recognition Challenge
- Speech representation and data exploration
- Light-Weight CNN LB 0.74
- WavCeption V1: a 1-D Inception approach (LB 0.76)
Regression : Tabular data
1st level. New York City Taxi Trip Duration
2nd level. Zillow Prize: Zillow’s Home Value Prediction (Zestimate)
- Simple Exploration Notebook - Zillow Prize
- Simple XGBoost Starter (~0.0655)
- Zillow EDA On Missing Values & Multicollinearity
- XGBoost, LightGBM, and OLS and NN
Object segmentation : Deep learning
1st level. 2018 Data Science Bowl
- Teaching notebook for total imaging newbies
- Keras U-Net starter - LB 0.277
- Nuclei Overview to Submission
Natural language processing : classification, regression
1st level. Spooky Author Identification
- Spooky NLP and Topic Modelling tutorial
- Approaching (Almost) Any NLP Problem on Kaggle
- Simple Feature Engg Notebook - Spooky Author
2nd level. Mercari Price Suggestion Challenge
- Mercari Interactive EDA + Topic Modelling
- A simple nn solution with Keras (~0.48611 PL)
- Ridge (LB 0.41943)
- LGB and FM [18th Place - 0.40604]
3rd level. Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
- [For Beginners] Tackling Toxic Using Keras
- Stop the S@#$ - Toxic Comments EDA
- Logistic regression with words and char n-grams
- Classifying multi-label comments (0.9741 lb)
Other dataset : anomaly detection, visualization
1st level. Credit Card Fraud Detection
- In depth skewed data classif. (93% recall acc now)
- Anomaly Detection - Credit Card Fraud Analysis
- Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection Survey
2nd level. Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science Survey 2017
'레퍼런스 > Kaggle' 카테고리의 다른 글
[캐글필사] EDA to Prediction (DieTanic) (0) | 2021.06.13 |
[캐글 필사] 타이타닉 튜토리얼 1 - Exploratory data analysis, visualization, machine learning (0) | 2021.05.10 |